Tuesday, August 2, 2011

10 Days of Juicing....Day 3

So I have been doing the 10 days of nothing but fruit and veggie juice that I make with my Breville juicer and herbal tea.  Some days I am drinking the Master Cleanse formula as well.  So far I feel great for day 3!  I can remember the first time I went without food for 3 days and I was not doing so good on the third day...I spent much of it crying my eyes out to be honest :o(  Here is the link if you would like to see my cry face LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQF-Z3xr71g  I know, its not funny but I was seriously trippin!  I think the main thing I did "wrong" on the first attempt was I worried too much about other people and not focusing on myself.  I am what you can refer to as a "giver"  I love helping others and I love being there for people but sometimes you need to be there for yourself.  A wise lady told me yesterday that I should be my own best friend.  That resonated with me....she went on to tell me that I am too hard on myself.....that resonated as well.  When I talk to myself, yes, I talk to myself and don't pretend that you do not, I am not always nice to myself.  I rarely tell myself "Chelewa, you did so good today, you should be proud!"  It is something more like "Why didn't you finish cleaning up the bedroom, you finished the whole house but left the bedroom!  Can you finish anything ?!"  That's me being verbally abusive to me.  If I do not improve I may just have to leave myself :o)  Anyways, back to the juicing....This time around I am focused on ME!  It is all about ME!  Don't get me wrong, I still care about you and I still want to here about you but it is all about ME!

Selfish Juicer aka Bellagreengirl

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