Friday, July 15, 2011 sister in law gave me the idea to start a blog about my weight loss journey which has included lots of juicing and green smoothies :o)  So far I am down about 60 lbs since I started in March and I am really enjoying all the new things I have learned so far.  My goal for this blog is to help people who want to start implementing more veggies and fruits into their diets and also to give people a place where they can learn.  I have spent the past year reading and reading book after book about juicing, raw food, green smoothie, transitioning ect.  I have watched hours of You Tube and spent many a days watching documentaries and researching how our food is handled and where if comes from.  I have learned a lot and I am just starting!  Most people do not have the time to do all this research.  That is where the Bella Green Girl comes in ;o)  I will do reviews and give you the highlights.  No beating around the bush...I will tell  you what to try and who recommends it.  I will also take suggestions on reading material and subjects that you want to know about and I will do the hard work.  All you have to do is read a short blog or I will do a vlog for you to watch.  Its that simple! 

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