Tuesday, August 2, 2011

10 Days of Juicing....Day 3

So I have been doing the 10 days of nothing but fruit and veggie juice that I make with my Breville juicer and herbal tea.  Some days I am drinking the Master Cleanse formula as well.  So far I feel great for day 3!  I can remember the first time I went without food for 3 days and I was not doing so good on the third day...I spent much of it crying my eyes out to be honest :o(  Here is the link if you would like to see my cry face LOL http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQF-Z3xr71g  I know, its not funny but I was seriously trippin!  I think the main thing I did "wrong" on the first attempt was I worried too much about other people and not focusing on myself.  I am what you can refer to as a "giver"  I love helping others and I love being there for people but sometimes you need to be there for yourself.  A wise lady told me yesterday that I should be my own best friend.  That resonated with me....she went on to tell me that I am too hard on myself.....that resonated as well.  When I talk to myself, yes, I talk to myself and don't pretend that you do not, I am not always nice to myself.  I rarely tell myself "Chelewa, you did so good today, you should be proud!"  It is something more like "Why didn't you finish cleaning up the bedroom, you finished the whole house but left the bedroom!  Can you finish anything ?!"  That's me being verbally abusive to me.  If I do not improve I may just have to leave myself :o)  Anyways, back to the juicing....This time around I am focused on ME!  It is all about ME!  Don't get me wrong, I still care about you and I still want to here about you but it is all about ME!

Selfish Juicer aka Bellagreengirl

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Day 2 of Smoothie Challenge

So far so good...Day one was a breezeeee!  I blended up about 2 quarts and drank through out the day.  I also had so fresh juice to start the morning off right.  My healthy dinner was sushi and water.  I notice that I get the full feeling a lot quicker now.  It takes less food for me to feel satisfied which is great!  I watched a video on youtube about doing a savory smoothie instead of a sweet fruit based one so I am planning on trying that for Day 3. 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Green Smoothie 101

If you are friends with me on Facebook you know that I have been doing the green smoothie thing for a few weeks now.  I know you will never get tired of seeing all the veggies and fruits that I blend and post pictures of ;o)  My sister and some other friends from NC and some from here in FL have been hopping on the wagon as well and dusting off the old blender or whatever they have to use and mixing  up some amazing drinks! 

Here are reasons a smoothie is so easy :
1. most everyone has a blender so there is not special equipment to buy
2. you just throw somethings together in that you normally like the taste of and blend. 

Here is a beginners recipe that you can try:

Use about 1 cup of water (spring water or bottled preferred)
Use 1 or 2 handfuls of baby spinach (organic if you can get it)
1 banana (ripe)
1 cup of grapes (seedless)
1 cup of fresh pineapple

The key is to put the water first, then the greens, then the fruit.  You may have to stop and push the items down into the blades during the blending process to get them to their smoothest consistency.  You may want to crush ice with the mixture to make it cool or put in the fridge after you make it to have cold drink.  I normally drink half when I make it and take the other half with me for mid morning snack.  Shake it well when you drink the second half.  If I am at home I sometimes will blend it again.

If you don't like something leave it out.  You can substitute any other fruit in its place or just put more of another one.  For example you can put 2 cups of pineapple to compensate for the banana.  Or you could add an orange in its place (without the skin). 

The idea is for the beginner you want it to taste good so you will actually drink it.  Any fruit will do just make sure to put enough so that  you like the taste.  The spinach is barely noticeable when you combine with fruit. 
Ok....my sister in law gave me the idea to start a blog about my weight loss journey which has included lots of juicing and green smoothies :o)  So far I am down about 60 lbs since I started in March and I am really enjoying all the new things I have learned so far.  My goal for this blog is to help people who want to start implementing more veggies and fruits into their diets and also to give people a place where they can learn.  I have spent the past year reading and reading book after book about juicing, raw food, green smoothie, transitioning ect.  I have watched hours of You Tube and spent many a days watching documentaries and researching how our food is handled and where if comes from.  I have learned a lot and I am just starting!  Most people do not have the time to do all this research.  That is where the Bella Green Girl comes in ;o)  I will do reviews and give you the highlights.  No beating around the bush...I will tell  you what to try and who recommends it.  I will also take suggestions on reading material and subjects that you want to know about and I will do the hard work.  All you have to do is read a short blog or I will do a vlog for you to watch.  Its that simple!